Energy Tapping

EFT Energy Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a powerful tool for clearing the fears and limiting beliefs that often hold us back in life and business, those things that keep us stuck, unhappy and playing small. EFT Tapping works to rewire the brain. Clear stuck energy and bring both the body and mind back into balance!

EFT was developed by Garry Craig from Dr Roger Callahan’s Thought Field Therapy and has roots in ancient Chinese medicine, the modern sciences and applied Kinesiology.  EFT works by impacting directly on the body’s energy flow and so far, modern science's investigations into just why Tapping works have been astounding. The results reveal that Tapping is the perfect bridge between cutting edge Western medicine and ancient healing practices from the East.

The Benefits of Energy EFT

Hundreds of studies have been performed that show the effects of using Tapping on a variety of issues from reducing stress in the body, reducing physical pain, supporting weight loss, reducing PTSD symptoms, to name a few.

It is a very powerful and effective tool for clearing negative disruption from the body’s energy system, the cause of negative emotional states. When you deal with the underlying emotional issues, it then allows the body to come back into balance, leading to emotional well being, increased levels of happiness and confidence, weight loss, increased focus and productivity and improved immune system function.

Energy EFT can be applied to any problem that has an emotional component; including virtually any kind of mental disturbance and many physical problems that are neurosomatic. In other cases of physical illness, reducing emotional stress and fear, reduce the pain and speeds recovery.

These powerful techniques are gentle, rapid and extremely effective. It is not uncommon for long standing issue or chronic pain to be released very quickly.

What can Energy EFT Help you with;

  • Anxiety and Panic Attacks

  • Negative Emotions and Memories

  • Confidence Issue

  • Weight Problems

  • Smoking and Addictive Cravings

  • Anger, Sadness and Depression

  • Fears and Phobias

  • Grief, Loss and Guilt

  • Pain Management

  • PTSD

  • Lack mentality and poverty consciousness

  • Relationship Issue, Divorce, Life Transitions

Simply tapping on a series of acupressure points on the face and upper body whilst tuning in to a negative thought, experience or emotion, has been clinically proven to lower Cortisol levels (the stress hormone) in the body, turn down the stress response and allow us to reach a more grounded and resourceful state where we can transform our mindset and achieve peace and clarity

The latest research is proving that when you use EFT Tapping to shift your unconscious beliefs and emotions, you shift the chemicals being released into the body. In doing so, you are literally able to shift your nervous system, as well as your digestive and endocrine systems, your hormones, your energy levels and much more!

Think about any challenges you’re currently dealing with, be it overwhelming emotions, getting fit, weight loss, finances, relationships or anything else you’re struggling with…..

Are there things that you could be doing, that would help this problem? For example with getting fit, could you be exercising more and eating better? I'm sure you'd say "yes, of course." The challenge is rewiring our brain so that the way we think, feel and act is different. So that we're motivated to exercise, so that we don't struggle with self sabotage, so that we're not overwhelmed with cortisol that makes us feel exhausted.

This is what Tapping does so beautifully

And it does this with any area of our life where we struggle. When we tap, we rewire the brain to make better decisions and take better actions that lead to more happiness, health and success. We rewire the brain so that we show up different in life and attract better relationships, or we show up better in our current ones. We rewire the brain to release physical pain from our body as our bodies release the traumas and emotions that hold pain in place.
Every time you tap on a meridian point, while going through the tapping process and focusing on the challenge you're dealing with, you are sending a calming signal to your brain that is rewiring it. Tapping works to literally rewire the brain, to change neuropathways so that you actually want to do the things that are going to improve your life and make you feel better.
This is why Tapping works when other things fail!  

What to Expect 

We start with a brief consultation and ascertain your aims for the session. I will then explain the tapping sequence and help you to decide on the wording that’s feels comfortable for you to use in order to let go of your unwanted beliefs, fears and emotional stress.  I will then guide you through the process of tapping on the acupressure points on your face and upper body whilst tuning in to a negative thought, experience or emotion.  Sometimes the release is very fast and is usually permanent.

I may integrate other healing modalities into the session to assist with release and healing if and when appropriate.

Session tailored to your individual needs but on average are 1  - 1.5 hours in length

After the Treatment

Most people feel relaxed, at peace and positive after a session. I will always guide you on self care and what to expect and you will be able to continue Tapping between sessions if appropriate. I will be here to discuss your concerns or questions while you are a client.

How Many Sessions Will I Need

This varies from person to person depending on your circumstances. Often issues can be resolve relatively quickly, others may benefit from a series of sessions. We can decide on a course of treatment that suits you and your lifestyle

60 Minutes £75
90 Minutes including energy healing £125


I have worked with Susie a few times as we did our EFT course together. Her insights are spot on. She has helped me to clear and heal an energetic block that I have been holding for years. I have healed aspects of it over the years but with Susie’s help I finally understand the purpose of that ‘major life event’. I feel whole and at peace, and completely safe. From the bottom of my heart Susie, thank you xxx (and thank God for EFT!!) Sarah S