The Access Bars®

The Access Bars® is an energetic body process involving gentle touching of 32 points on your head that promotes deep relaxation, clarity of thought and life transformations. These points (The Bars) store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, stress, emotions and locked up energy in your mind and body over any lifetime.

During an Access Bars session the 32 points on your head are lightly touched in a sequence. When gently touched they effortlessly release old energies stuck in the brain and the body, allowing for tremendous and easy change.

This gentle energetic body process is an incredibly nurturing and relaxing process, undoing limitation in all aspects of your life that you are willing to change, easing stress anxiety and PTSD.

Similar to when the lights go out in your house and you flip the circuit breaker or trip switch so the lights come on: a bars session allows your lights to come on. Universal energy becomes available to you and this often results in more peace, ease, joy and happiness in life.

Several doctors who are experts in biofeedback have reported changes in their brain waves, going from beta to much more relaxed theta waves during the course of a one hour session. This is no surprise as it’s been known for years that the Bars change the electrical function of the brain.

Access Bars has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their lives. After a session people report;

  • better health

  • ease of sleep

  • weight loss

  • better sex and relationships

  • relief from anxiety

  • less stress

  • and so much more!

30 Minutes £40
60 Minutes £60


I wanted to feedback the wonderful results of our session.
I had been feeling awful for weeks. That night I felt absolutely awful. So low and drained, but I woke up the next day feeling so much better!! I feel lighter, more positive and energised! So thank you so much!
— Claire B